Practice makes perfect! Always make sure that you pay attention to the timing, angle, and distance of your throw to maximize the number of skips. The more skips the stone makes before hitting a clam, the better the reward. Also, if you throw another stone immediately after the first, the previous throw’s direction and strength will assist you in aiming. The aim assist disappears when you move your avatar.

Here are the types of skipping stones:

Normal Skipping Stone

  • skips up to four times
  • can be crafted using 5 iron ingots with a 3-minute delivery time

Pro Skipping Stone

  • skips up to five times
  • can be crafted using 10 normal skipping stones with a 5-minute delivery time

Elite Skipping Stone

  • skips up to six times
  • can be crafted using 5 pro skipping stones with a 15-minute delivery time