This known issues list will be updated regularly. It is intended as a brief overview and does not represent the entire list of issues currently being worked on. 

Title: Lunar New Year event counter displays incorrect progress
Issue: When viewing your coin bag progress on the event screen, the counter in the top right corner shows an incorrect amount.
Status: Visual bug only - Will not fix 
Workaround: As this issue is a visual bug only, you can view your correct progress in the rewards tracker

Title: Incorrect rewards payout when 2 players survive a contest
Issue: Upon completing a contest, players are sometimes rewarded with -1 cash
Status: In Progress
Workaround: This issue should be a visual bug only

Title: Stuck at “Looking for Players” in private parties
Issue: When attempting a private party with 10+ players and bots disabled, players may sometimes become stuck at the “looking for players” screen.
Status: In Progress

Title: Stuck at “Rejoining Party”
Issue: After a contest is completed, players may sometimes become stuck at rejoining party after choosing to leave.
Status: In Progress

Title: Network Issues
Issues: Wi-Fi icon appears during gameplay, players receive an error message that reads “DisconnectedByPluginLogic” or “CriticalFailure”.
Status: In Progress

Title: Ghost Emmi skin shows a different portrait
Issue: Equipping Emmi’s Ghost skin can cause a different portrait to be displayed when loading into a match.
Status: In Progress